Roll Your Own Search with Rails and Postgres: Search Engine

Published 10 Jul 2021 · 7 min read
Learn how to build search service using Rails and Postgres Full Text Search for a Gatsby blog.

This is the third in a multi-part series of posts detailing how I built the search feature for this blog. This post will provide an overview of the search engine, provided by PostgreSQL Full Text Search, and introduce some concepts that will be needed in understanding how to integrate this with Rails.

In case you missed it, Part 1: Search Introduction of this series covers the existing options for adding search to a Gatsby site, and why I decided not to use any of them, and instead build a custom search service. Part 2: Search Index covers the design and population of the documents table that contains all the content to be searched.

A full discussion of how PostgreSQL full text search works is beyond the scope of this article, and I'm actually going to be using a gem that makes integrating it into Rails fairly easy. However, in order to make sense of what the gem is doing, it's worth taking a look "under the hood" into the search functions at the database level.

Recall the documents table, covered in Part 2: Search Index of this series, looks like this, just showing a few rows, body column shortened for legibility:

hello=> select title, category, slug, left(body, 40) as body from documents;
                               title                                |     category     |                          slug                           |                   body
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Now suppose you were interested in searching for posts about TDD by searching the body column. A naive approach would be something like this:

SELECT * FROM documents WHERE body LIKE '%TDD%';

The performance of LIKE wildcarding may not be very good because the body column contains the entire post content so it could be very large. Also what if the post content refers to lowercase tdd? Then this query would miss some matches. Yes you could use lower(body) instead of body but what if you want to search for expenses but the body has expense? Now you also need to take pluralization and grammar into account. This reveals the limitations of LIKE wildcard searching.


With full text search, Postgres provides the to_tsvector function. This function parses a text document into tokens, normalizes the tokens to lexemes, and returns a tsvector which lists the lexemes together with their positions in the document. It will not process stop words such as a, the, but etc. because these are words that occur in the English language too frequently to be useful for searching. It also eliminates pluralization and punctuation. This reduces the words to a common form which will be most useful for searching. It does all this by consulting a set of dictionaries for the specified language, which is the first argument to the to_tsvector function.

Phew, that was a lot of words to explain the to_tsvector function. Let's see an example. Below I've taken just one paragraph from a blog post I wrote about TDD, and then run it through the to_tsvector function using the english language dictionaries (these are provided by PostgreSQL):

select to_tsvector(
  'But with TDD, the approach is different. After figuring out where in the code the problem lies, you first write a failing test. That is, a test that exercises the buggy portion of the code, and makes assertions assuming the bug has already been fixed. This test will fail because you haven''t actually fixed it yet. Then you go in and fix the code, run the test again, and this time it should pass'

And here is the result, it gets returned all in one line but I've broken it up into multiple lines for legibility. The result is a list of lexemes (normalized english words) and their position in the text that was given as the second argument passed to the to_tsvector function. If the same lexeme appears multiple times in the document text, each position is listed in a comma separated format:


Notice how all the words have been lower cased, punctuation removed, and no stop words appear in the results.


Looking at the results of to_tsvector, you can start to see how this approach overcomes the limitations of LIKE wildcard searching. But how do you actually use it in a search? This is where the to_tsquery function comes in. This function takes in a language parameter, and a string to search for, and converts it to the tsquery data type. Then the @@ operator is used to check if a query (aka tsquery) is contained in a tsvector, which was the output of the to_tsvector function.

Once again, an example will help to clarify this:

Suppose you'd like to know whether the word TDD appears in the sample paragraph I extracted earlier from the TDD article. First run the paragraph through the to_tsvector function, then use the @@ operator to determine whether the tsquery of TDD is contained in the tsvector:

select to_tsvector(
  'But with TDD, the approach is different. After figuring out where in the code the problem lies, you first write a failing test. That is, a test that exercises the buggy portion of the code, and makes assertions assuming the bug has already been fixed. This test will fail because you haven''t actually fixed it yet. Then you go in and fix the code, run the test again, and this time it should pass'
) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'TDD');
-- true

The result is true, meaning the term was found. Note that even though I passed in upper case TDD, it matched on the lower case tdd from the list of lexemes returned by the to_tsvector function:

Let's try searching for the word fixed. Notice the root of this word fix is in the list of lexemes, but not literally fixed. The list of lexemes shown earlier has the word fix appearing in 3 places in the paragraph text: 'fix':45,55,63.

select to_tsvector(
  'But with TDD, the approach is different. After figuring out where in the code the problem lies, you first write a failing test. That is, a test that exercises the buggy portion of the code, and makes assertions assuming the bug has already been fixed. This test will fail because you haven''t actually fixed it yet. Then you go in and fix the code, run the test again, and this time it should pass'
) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'fixed');
-- true

Again, a match is found, so the @@ to_tsquery operator returns true.

Searching a Table

The above examples were manually constructed by extracting some paragraph text from one article. This demonstrates the usefulness of the to_tsvector and to_tsquery functions.

Now its time to use these against the documents table to show how a real search would work. For example, to search all documents for TDD in the body column, and return a list of title and slugs for the matching documents:

FROM documents
  to_tsvector('english', body) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'TDD');


                    title                    |                   slug
 TDD by Example: Fixing a Bug                | /blog/tdd-by-example-bugfix/
 Solving a Python Interview Question in Ruby | /blog/python-interview-question-in-ruby/
 TDD by Example                              | /blog/tdd-by-example/
(3 rows)

The first and third results make sense, I've written two articles on TDD. But why is the second article on Solving a Python Interview Question in Ruby showing up in the results? Reviewing that article, indeed it does refer several times to TDD as that is used to solve the interview question. So it makes sense that it's included in the results, but why is it showing up before the TDD by Example article?


This brings up the question of rank. The ts_rank function takes a tsvector and tsquery and returns a number indicating how strong of a match the query is against the given list of lexemes. Let's include the rank in the previous query:

   to_tsvector('english', body),
   to_tsquery('english', 'TDD')
FROM documents
  to_tsvector('english', body) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'TDD');


                    title                    |                   slug                   |   ts_rank
 TDD by Example: Fixing a Bug                | /blog/tdd-by-example-bugfix/             |  0.09741346
 Solving a Python Interview Question in Ruby | /blog/python-interview-question-in-ruby/ |  0.096883096
 TDD by Example                              | /blog/tdd-by-example/                    |  0.09793941
(3 rows)

The above results show that the Solving a Python Interview Question in Ruby result is the lowest ranked in the list. In order to make search results useful, the most relevant results should be listed first. To make these results sorted by relevance, we can order by descending rank (i.e. highest first):

   to_tsvector('english', body),
   to_tsquery('english', 'TDD')
  ) as rank
FROM documents
  to_tsvector('english', body) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'TDD')

Now the results show the first article TDD by Example is the most relevant, followed by the next article using TDD to fix a bug, and finally in last place, the interview article where TDD is referred to, but as frequently as the other two articles:

                    title                    |                   slug                   |    rank
 TDD by Example                              | /blog/tdd-by-example/                    |  0.09793941
 TDD by Example: Fixing a Bug                | /blog/tdd-by-example-bugfix/             |  0.09741346
 Solving a Python Interview Question in Ruby | /blog/python-interview-question-in-ruby/ |  0.096883096
(3 rows)

What's Next?

This post provided an introduction to PostgreSQL full text search with some examples of using the ts_vector, ts_query and ts_rank functions. Next up, see Part 4: Search API for how to integrate this into a Rails model and controller to provide a search API.