Private Gems and Docker for Development

Published 01 Jan 2023 · 5 min read
Use a private gem registry with a Dockerized Rails application for development.

If you're using Docker for development with a Rails application, and want to introduce a private gem registry hosted with Github Packages, you may encounter an authentication error when building the development Docker image, at the point where it tries to pull the private gem(s). This post will walk you through the steps to resolve this.

An important note before moving on - the solution presented in this post is only suitable for a development Docker image. That is, an image that remains on the developer's laptop and never gets pushed to production or made public.

Configure Bundler

Given that your projects Gemfile is pulling some gems from Github Packages, for example:

source '' do
  gem 'myprivate_gem'

The Github documentation on configuring bundler so that you can pull private gems specifies that you must first run the following command:

$ bundle config USERNAME:TOKEN


  • OWNER is the user or organization account that owns the repository that contains the gem project source.
  • USERNAME is in the individual user (Github account) that would like to pull the gem when building the Rails app that depends on it.
  • TOKEN is a Github personal access token (aka PAT) that each user running the project needs to create.

If everyone on your team was running the Rails project natively on their laptops, you would just update the telling each developer to create their PAT, run the bundle config... command locally, then run bundle install which will pull the new private gem(s) specified in Gemfile. You keep your project setup docs up to date right?

Dockerized Development

However, things are a little more complicated if using a Dockerized setup for development. With this setup, it's the Dockerfile that runs bundle install when the image is being built. For example:

FROM ruby:whatever-version
# ...
RUN bundle install

However, if any of the gems in the Gemfile are coming from a private registry, such as Github Packages RubyGems, trying to build this image will fail with the following authentication error:

Authentication is required for
Please supply credentials for this source. You can do this by running:
bundle config username:password
executor failed running [bundle install]: exit code: 17

This means the bundle config... needs to be run as part of the image building, before running bundle install, something like this:

FROM ruby:whatever-version
# ...
RUN bundle config USERNAME:TOKEN
RUN bundle install

The problem with the above is that the Dockerfile is committed in the project. You wouldn't want to commit this line as is, because USERNAME will be different for each developer working on the project. TOKEN is a user-specific secret that provides some access to the developer's Github account so that definitely should not be committed.

Dockerfile ARG

What we need to solve this problem is dynamic values during the Docker build process. The ARG command in a Dockerfile can be used for exactly this. Specify the ARGs at beginning of the Dockerfile, just after the FROM command. Rather than USERNAME and TOKEN from the Github documentation, I'm going to name these to be more specific as to what they're used for:

FROM ruby:your-base-image


Then later in Dockerfile, just before bundle install is run, add the bundle config... command from the Github documentation, but this time, using the ARG variables. Replace project with project name where the private gem source is located:

FROM ruby:whatever-version


# ...

RUN bundle install

Now if you were building the Docker image directly, you could run:

docker build -t app-image:latest \
  --build-arg GITHUB_USERNAME=your-github-username \
  --build-arg GITHUB_PAT_GEMS=your-github-pat \

To re-emphasize the note from the beginning of this post, using ARG in this way is only suitable for a development image that will never be made public. This is because the ARG values become part of the image and are viewable in the output of the docker history command. If you need build-time secrets for a production image, see the Docker documentation on BuildKit.

Docker Compose

This project uses several other services including MySQL and Redis, therefore, Docker Compose is used to build the image and run all the containers together. This means we need to be able to pass through the Docker ARGs from the docker-compose.yml file to the Dockerfile. Fortunately, docker compose provides the args keyword for the build command for just this purpose.

Trying it out however poses a new problem as shown below:

# docker-compose.yml
version: "3.3"
        GITHUB_USERNAME: uh oh, what to put here?
        GITHUB_PAT_GEMS: uh oh, what to put here?
      context: .

    image: mysql
    # ...

    image: redis
    # ...

Since the docker-compose.yml file is also committed into the project, we do not want to hard-code Github user names and tokens in this file either. Fortunately, docker compose supports the use of environment variables. Here's how to specify the Github username and PAT as environment variables in the compose file:

# docker-compose.yml
version: "3.3"
      context: .

    image: mysql
    # ...

    image: redis
    # ...

Next step is being able to pass the values of these environment variables to docker compose via the command line. This can be accomplished with the --env-file argument, passing in a path to a file containing the values:

docker-compose --env-file .env.dockercompose.local build

Where .env.dockercompose.local is a gitignored file that specifies the secrets. You can name the .env file whatever you want, just make sure its in the gitignore so it doesn't get committed. Here's what the env file will look like:


Now, when the docker-compose build command is run, it will have access to the values of GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_PAT_GEMS from the .env file. Then these will get passed on to the Dockerfile as ARG's, where they can be used in building the image.


To save yourself all that typing of the docker compose command with the env file, if your project uses a Makefile, you can add the following task:

  docker-compose --env-file .env.dockercompose.local build

Now whenever you need to build the image (such as when new gems have been added to the project's Gemfile), simply run:

make build

Remember to also update the project's with the new setup instructions that everyone wanting to build the image on their laptop needs to create a .env.dockercompose.local file and populate it with their Github username and personal access token.


This post has covered how to authenticate to the Github Packages RubyGems private registry when using Docker for Rails development. The technique involves use of Docker ARGs to specify dynamic build time values, docker compose environment variables to pass them through to the build, and a gitignored env file to avoid committing the secrets. Again a reminder that this technique should only be used for a development image that will never leave the developer's laptop.