Avoid this Bug with Numeric Environment Variables in Ruby

Published 01 Sep 2024 · 5 min read
Learn how to avoid a common pitfall when handling numeric environment variables in Ruby, safeguarding against unexpected behavior even when values are unset or unexpected.

This post will explain how to avoid a common pitfall with numeric environment variable handling in Ruby.

I recently encountered an error when running some code that calls a third party API to fetch data. This code uses the Quickbooks Ruby gem to fetch accounting data for a financial services application. According to the gem documentation, usage is as follows:

query = nil # or specify a custom query
Customer.query_in_batches(query, per_page: 1000) do |batch|
  batch.each do |customer|
    # do something with customer...

The idea with splitting up the result in batches is similar to Active Record Batches in Rails, to avoid loading a very large collection into memory all at once. With this API, the per_page option is used to control the batch size.

The Bug

When I was attempting to run the application code that calls this API from my laptop, it was returning this error message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<IntuitResponse xmlns="http://schema.intuit.com/finance/v3" time="2024-07-22T12:17:49">
  <Fault type="ValidationFault">
    <Error code="4001">
      <Message>Invalid query</Message>
      <Detail>QueryValidationError: value 0 is too small. Min allowed value is 1</Detail>

Which was surprising as this code had been running in production for many years without errors. The stack trace pointed to this part of the application code that calls the API:

Customer.query_in_batches(query, per_page: Settings.batch_size) do |batch|
  # ...

So rather than a hard-coded default value of 1000 as per the example in the gem documentation, some custom configuration code Settings.batch_size was being called. Here is the relevant snippet of the Settings class:

class Settings
  def self.batch_size
    ENV["BATCH_SIZE"].to_i || 1000

  # other settings...

A cursory glance at the implementation of Settings.batch_size suggests the intention is to use the value of the BATCH_SIZE environment variable if it's set, otherwise, use the fallback value of 1000 with the following logic:

  • Read in the BATCH_SIZE environment variable.
  • Convert the BATCH_SIZE environment variable to an integer (because all environment variables read in are strings).
  • If BATCH_SIZE is defined in the environment, use it, otherwise, use a default batch size of 1000.

However, the error message was indicating that a 0 batch size had been specified, which is invalid:

<Detail>QueryValidationError: value 0 is too small. Min allowed value is 1</Detail>

How could this have happened?


When code is working in production but not locally, different configuration could be the culprit. I started by checking the value of the BATCH_SIZE environment variable in the production environment where this code was working:

# in a production shell
# 300

When this project runs locally, it uses the dotenv gem to load environment variables from a .env file in the project root. Inspecting this file revealed that BATCH_SIZE was nowhere to be found in this file, i.e. it was not set. According to the Settings.batch_size implementation, it should have been fine for BATCH_SIZE to not be specified, in which case, it should have defaulted to a batch size of 1000. But instead, the batch_size method was returning 0.

To understand why this was the case, I launched a local irb console with the BATCH_SIZE environment variable set to 300 as follows:

BATCH_SIZE=300 irb

Then ran some experimental code to break down each part of the expression ENV["BATCH_SIZE"].to_i || 1000 to understand the behaviour:

# Fetch `BATCH_SIZE` environment variable
# => "300"

# Notice it gets read in as a String even though
# the value is numeric
# => String

# Convert batch size env var to an integer
# => 300

# This returns the env var value because its
# populated (truthy), rather than the default of 1000
ENV["BATCH_SIZE"].to_i || 1000
# => 300

So far so good, when the BATCH_SIZE environment variable is populated, then this code ENV["BATCH_SIZE"].to_i || 1000 behaves as per the intention.

Next, I ran another irb console, this time just irb, i.e. to simulate an environment where BATCH_SIZE is not set:

# Fetch `BATCH_SIZE` environment variable
# This time it returns nil because its not set
# => nil

# When not set, the env var is of type NilClass
# => NilClass

# What happens when `nil` is converted to an integer?
# It returns 0!
# => 0

# What happens when evaluating 0 OR something?
# It returns 0!
ENV["BATCH_SIZE"].to_i || 1000
# => 0

The code in the above irb session demonstrates the problem. Despite the intention of the Settings method to return 1000 when the BATCH_SIZE environment variable isn't set, what actually happens is that it returns 0. This then gets passed on to the third party API as the value of batch size, which raises an error because 0 is an invalid value for batching the response.

Root Cause

There are several points to understand about why a 0 is being returned when the requested environment variable isn't set:

Running to_i on nil always returns 0 in Ruby. This means the result of ENV["ANYTHING_THATS_NOT_SET"].to_i will be 0. See the Ruby docs on NilClass#to_i.

The result of 0 || 1000 is 0, not 1000 as some might expect coming from other languages. The first part of this is to understand that || is a short circuit operator that returns the result of the first expression that is truthy.

Since the || OR operator is returning 0, this must mean that 0 is truthy in Ruby! This might be surprising to those coming to Ruby from other languages such as Python or JavaScript where 0 is considered falsey. According to the Ruby docs on booleans and nil:

nil and false are both false values. nil is sometimes used to indicate “no value” or “unknown” but evaluates to false in conditional expressions. true is a true value. All objects except nil and false evaluate to a true value in conditional expressions.

The key phrase is "All objects except nil and false evaluate to a true value in conditional expressions". Since 0 is not nil or false, it evaluates to true in conditional expressions such as ||. Further, since it occurs on the left hand side of the short circuit OR in the Settings code, as in 0 || 1000, it means 0 is the first truthy value and returned.

To summarize, the problem is caused by a combination of the following factors:

  1. Calling to_i on nil returns 0.
  2. 0 is considered a truthy value and evaluates to true when used in conditional expressions.


The solution is to use the ENV.fetch method when accessing an environment variable that might not be set, rather than accessing ENV with []. The fetch method accepts an optional default value, which will be returned if the requested environment variable isn't set. Since the original intent of the code is to use a fallback value of 1000 when the BATCH_SIZE environment variable isn't set, the fetch method is exactly what's needed here.

It still requires the use of to_i because if the environment variable is set, then it will still be retrieved as a string. If it's not set, then the numeric default of 1000 will be returned, but there's no harm in calling to_i on it as that will still return an integer:

class Settings
  def self.batch_size
    ENV.fetch("BATCH_SIZE", 1000).to_i

With the above code in place, if the BATCH_SIZE environment variable is set, it will be returned as an integer, otherwise 1000 will be returned.


This post highlighted a potential bug that can result when working with numeric environment variables in Ruby, and how use of the ENV.fetch method can be used to more accurately express the intention of using a fallback value.