Migrating From Rails Secrets to Credentials

Published 04 Mar 2025 · 17 min read
Exploring the evolution of Rails secrets to credentials, this post investigates the deprecation of Rails.application.secrets, explains its history, and provides step-by-step solutions to address the change in legacy Rails applications.

I've been maintaining a 10+ year old legacy Rails application, upgrading it from Rails 6.1 to 7.0, and then 7.0 to 7.1. We'll eventually get to Rails 7.2, and then 8, but as per the Rails guide on upgrading:

It's best to move slowly, one minor version at a time, in order to make good use of the deprecation warnings.

After a successful release of the 6.1 to 7.0 upgrade, I was working on the 7.1 upgrade, and found myself facing this deprecation warning:

`Rails.application.secrets` is deprecated in favor of `Rails.application.credentials`
and will be removed in Rails 7.2.
(called from <main> at my-app/config/environment.rb:5)

This was surprising because:

  1. There hadn't been any mention of this in the upgrade guide from 7.0 to 7.1.
  2. This project uses environment variables (provided via Heroku Config) for secrets, so as far as I knew, there weren't any secrets in the code.

It turns out, what used to be called "secrets", now referred to as "credentials" is a non-obvious aspect of Rails with a long history. Unless you've been the first developer to setup and deploy a Rails project, you may never have encountered this feature. This post will explain what secrets and credentials are, and cover a few options for resolving this deprecation warning.

In a hurry? Jump straight to the solutions. Otherwise read on for the investigation and history on this topic.


Here is the file that was referred to in the deprecation warning config/environment.rb:

# Load the Rails application.
require_relative 'application'

# Initialize the Rails application.
Rails.application.initialize! # === DEPRECATION WARNING FROM THIS LINE ===

A search through the entire project for Rails.application.secrets didn't yield any matches. This must have been something in library code or deeper in Rails internals.

Up until this point, I had been following the guide for upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1. Aside from a section about the development and test secret key base file having been renamed, I couldn't find anything related to a migration from secrets to credentials.

I then wondered if I had missed a step in the previous upgrade related to secrets and credentials, or if the previous maintainer had missed a step in earlier upgrades? To answer this question I went through all the upgrade guides back to the first version of this project, which was 4.1, and couldn't find anything about migrating secrets to credentials:

In order to resolve the deprecation warning, I would first have to understand what is this "secrets" feature?

Quick Tip

By default, in development mode, deprecation warnings are logged to log/development.log, which can be easy to miss. To raise their visibility, update your config/environments/development.rb file:

# Print deprecation notices to the Rails logger (default behavior).
# config.active_support.deprecation = :log

# Print deprecation notices to stderr for better visibility in the console.
config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr

# Optional: Temporarily raise an error for deprecations during debugging.
# config.active_support.deprecation = :raise

What is Rails.application.secrets

A new file named config/secrets.yml was introduced back in Rails 4.1 (which was the initial version of Rails this project started on).

The 4.1 Release Notes explain that it's primarily used to store the application's secret_key_base.

From the Rails API docs on secret_key_base:

The secret_key_base is used as the input secret to the application’s key generator, which in turn is used to create all ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier and ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor instances, including the ones that sign and encrypt cookies.

This means secret_key_base needs to be:

  1. A closely guarded secret: It's critical for the security of the application because it's used to generate encryption and signing keys for sensitive operations.
  2. Consistent across Rails upgrades and deployments: Changing the secret_key_base would invalidate all existing cookies and encrypted data (e.g., session cookies), effectively signing out all users and potentially causing issues with any other data encrypted or signed with it.

I then opened the config/secrets.yml on the project I was upgrading and found this:

# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.

# Your secret key is used for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid!

# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
# You can use `rake secret` to generate a secure secret key.

# Make sure the secrets in this file are kept private
# if you're sharing your code publicly.

  secret_key_base: d9d6241...

  secret_key_base: 638095d...

  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>

# Do not keep production secrets in the repository,
# instead read values from the environment.
  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>

This file is used to persist environment-specific values of secret_key_base. It also supports erb interpolation, so you can commit plain text values, or reference an environment variable via ENV. The secret_key_base can then be accessed by Rails and application code as Rails.application.secret_key_base.

This file also supports storage of all the application's secrets. For example:

  secret_key_base: d9d6241...
  stripe_secret_key: devstripe...
  another_secret: ...

  secret_key_base: 638095d...
  stripe_secret_key: testtripe...
  another_secret: ...

  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
  stripe_secret_key: <%= ENV["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] %>
  another_secret: ...

# Do not keep production secrets in the repository,
# instead read values from the environment.
  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
  stripe_secret_key: <%= ENV["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] %>
  another_secret: ...

The other secrets could then be accessed in application code, for example: Rails.application.secrets.stripe_secret_key.

Potential security issues:

Although the comments in this file warn to use environment variables for production, there is nothing to enforce it. So if a team didn't have a way to easily manage environment variables, it's possible that some teams may have started committing their plain text secrets in this file. This may explain why this feature had to change.


I dug through the history of release notes from 4.1 to 7.2 to understand how this feature has changed over time:

4.1 Plain Text Secrets

This release introduced config/secrets.yml, which is a plain text yaml file. It supports erb interpolation so that secrets can optionally be read from an environment variable rather than hard-coded in the file. Rails accesses the secret key base from this file via Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base.

Release Notes


No changes to the secrets feature.

Release Notes

5.1 Encrypted Secrets

This release was a first attempt at encrypting the secrets. A rake task was introduced which would generate a new file config/secrets.yml.enc, along with a master key that could be used to encrypt and decrypt the file. The master key had to be maintained outside of the source. Rails could read it either from a git ignored file config/secrets.yml.key or from a new environment variable RAILS_MASTER_KEY.

The idea was you would move all the plain text secrets previously in config/secrets.yml to the new encrypted config/secrets.yml.enc. Note that there's no instructions on exactly how to do this - for example, can you copy the entire contents of the plain text config/secrets.yml, including nesting for each environment and erb interpolation, and dump that into the new encrypted file?

Release Notes

5.2 Encrypted Credentials

This release refined the encryption concept, referring to it as custom credentials rather than "secrets". Another new file was introduced config/credentials.yml.enc, along with a config/master.key containing the key to encrypt and decrypt the credentials file.

If you had previously migrated from config/secrets.yml to config/secrets.yml.enc, you would now migrate to config/credentials.yml.enc. However, there are no instructions on how to take the previous environment-specific plain text or erb interpolated values from the old file to the new encrypted file.

There's a single config/master.key intended to be used across all environments. For example, you might have multiple deployed environments like staging and production, and having a shared master key across both of them is not ideal.

At this time, the previous plain text secrets were still supported. The 5.1 release notes have an important message:

This will eventually replace Rails.application.secrets and the encrypted secrets introduced in Rails 5.1

Here is where it would have been useful to start having deprecation warnings.

Release Notes

6.0 Multi Environment Credentials

This release maintained the previous encrypted credentials, but added support for multi-environment credentials. This is only mentioned as a bullet point in the release notes under "Notable changes". The associated PR has some lively discussion. But once again, there's no instructions for how to convert from old plain text secrets to environment-specific encrypted credentials.

The securing rails application guide for 6.0 has the same explanation as the previous 5.2 guide for how to use encrypted credentials, but it doesn't mention the new environment-specific options introduced in the PR.

Release Notes


This release maintained the previous encrypted credentials with no notable changes.

Release Notes

7.1 Secrets Deprecation

This release maintains the previous encrypted credentials and adds a deprecation notice for favouring credentials over secrets. This explains why I only started seeing the deprecation message during the 7.0 to 7.1 upgrade.

Release Notes

7.2 Secrets Dropped

This release drops support for Rails.application.secrets. Trying to reference it will result in an error:

# undefined method `secrets' for an instance of SomeApp::Application (NoMethodError)

Release Notes

Now that we've covered the history from secrets and secret key base, to credentials and master key, we're finally ready to resolve the deprecation. There's a few different ways to solve this. The next sections will provide some guidance to help you choose what's most appropriate for your project.

Solution A: Replace Secrets with Environment Variable

On our team, we found the easiest way to resolve this was to remove the secrets file, and not introduce the replacement credentials file, in favour of an environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE.

Consider this solution if:

  • The only secret in config/secrets.yml is the secret_key_base.
  • The project has access to a tool for converting secrets to environment variables in deployed environments (eg: AWS Parameter Store, Hashicorp Vault, Heroku Config, etc.)


  1. Make sure SECRET_KEY_BASE is defined in every deployed environments' configuration (eg: staging, production).
  2. Make a backup of the original config/secrets.yml outside of source control and remove it from the project.
  3. In development and test environments, do nothing, Rails will automatically generate a git ignored file tmp/local_secret.txt containing a randomly generated value of secret_key_base, if it can't find a SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable and there is no encrypted credentials yaml.
  4. Commit the changes to source control (which is just the removal of config/secrets.yml).

Optionally, if you want development and test environments to be consistent with the technique used in deployed environments, the SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable can be added to .env.development and .env.test, with the value being whatever it was in the old config/secrets.yml, development and test sections. Then Rails will read from the environment variable rather than generating a tmp/local_secret.txt. This will work given that the project is using the dotenv-rails gem.


Run a Rails console on your laptop (i.e. development mode) to check the value of the secret key base:

#=> should be value from `tmp/local_secret.txt`
# OR
# .env.development SECRET_KEY_BASE

After deploying the changes to production (or staging first if you have another deployed environment), connect to a Rails console on the deployed environment and check the value of the secret key base:

#=> should be value from SECRET_KEY_BASE env var defined in deployed environment

Why this works:

Rails first searches for the secret_key_base value in ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"]. If this environment variable is not found, then Rails will search for it in the new encrypted credentials yaml file. If your old config/secrets.yml already contained <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>, then effectively it was already reading an environment variable, and the yaml file was just serving as a pass-through.


Switching to an environment variable for managing SECRET_KEY_BASE simplifies and standardizes secret management across all environments. This consistency ensures future developers don’t spend time deciphering why some secrets are managed in a yaml file and some with environment variables. This also aligns with standard practices for managing environment variables securely in deployment pipelines.

Solution B: Convert Secrets to Credentials

In this solution, all the secrets in config/secrets.yml will be converted to the new encrypted credentials format. We'll use the environment-specific support introduced as of Rails 6.0 to isolate both the secrets and the master key needed to decrypt/encrypt them on a per-environment basis.

Consider this solution if:

  • There are multiple secrets stored in config/secrets.yml in addition to secret_key_base. i.e. the application code has references to Rails.application.secrets.some_secret, Rails.application.secrets.another_secret, etc.
  • Your project is not configured with a tool to convert secrets to environment variables. Keep in mind you'll still need to manage one new secret RAILS_MASTER_KEY.

For example, suppose the config/secrets.yml contains plain-text values from all environments (assuming it was a private source repository and if the team didn't have a secrets manager, then this would have been the easiest option, albeit not that secure should the source code get leaked).

The actual secret values would be long random alpha-numeric strings such as b9efa92ff..., but I'm putting in simple legible values for demonstration purposes:

# config/secrets.yml

  secret_key_base: dev-secret-key-base
  stripe_secret_key: dev-stripe-secret-key
  another_secret: ...

  secret_key_base: test-secret-key-base
  stripe_secret_key: test-stripe-secret-key
  another_secret: ...

  secret_key_base: staging-secret-key-base
  stripe_secret_key: staging-stripe-secret-key
  another_secret: ...

  secret_key_base: production-secret-key-base
  stripe_secret_key: production-stripe-secret-key
  another_secret: ...

Step 1: Convert Development Secrets to Credentials

Assuming git version control is being used on the project, start by creating a branch for this work:

# Follow your project's branch naming conventions
git checkout -b chore-migrate-secrets-to-credentials

Make a backup of config/secrets.yml to somewhere secure and remove it from the project. This is to ensure that if the application is still trying to access it, it won't work correctly.

Next, run the following in a terminal at the project root:

bin/rails credentials:edit --environment development

The output from this command will be something like this:

Adding config/credentials/development.key to store the encryption key: a44c8fd8b05cd46af35b34f778b56f37

Save this in a password manager your team can access.

If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it.

      create  config/credentials/development.key

Ignoring config/credentials/development.key so it won't end up in Git history:

      append  .gitignore

Configured Git diff driver for credentials.
Editing config/credentials/development.yml.enc...


  1. A new directory credentials was created in the existing config directory.
  2. A new encrypted file was generated to persist the development secrets: config/credentials/development.yml.enc
  3. A new master key was generated to encrypt and decrypt the development secrets: a44c8f...
  4. The value of the development master key is saved in a new file: config/credentials/development.key
  5. The file containing the development master key is gitignored. You can verify this by checking the .gitignore file - it has a new entry: /config/credentials/development.key

At this point, your editor will be open with a temporary file that displays the decrypted contents of newly generated config/credentials/development.yml.enc. Rails generates some example content like this:

# aws:
#   access_key_id: 123
#   secret_access_key: 345

Edit the file, porting over the values that were previously in config/secrets.yml development section as follows:

secret_key_base: dev-secret-key-base
stripe_secret_key: dev-stripe-secret-key

Save the file, and then close it. When closed, Rails will encrypt the contents, saving the results to config/credentials/development.yml.enc.

Opening the encrypted file config/credentials/development.yml.enc directly in an editor will only show the encrypted contents and not be human readable. For example:


If you need to view the contents of this file or open it for editing, you would again run bin/rails credentials:edit --environment development. This time, rather than generating a new development key, Rails will use the existing key saved at config/credentials/development.key to decrypt the file and display the plain text contents in a temporary file in your editor.

Launch a Rails console bin/rails c and verify the credentials are accessible from application code:

=> "dev-secret-key-base"

# Also available directly on Rails.application
=> "dev-secret-key-base"

# Should be able to access all other secrets via `credentials`
=> "dev-stripe-secret-key"

Rails uses the development.key to decrypt the contents of development.yml.enc so you have access to all the secrets defined in the file at run-time.

The credentials yaml file also supports nesting for the application secrets. For example, the Stripe secrets could be organized as follows:

secret_key_base: dev-secret-key-base

  secret_key: dev-stripe-secret-key
  publishable_key: dev-stripe-publishable-key
  webhook_secret: dev-stripe-webhook-secret

In this case, the stripe secrets are accessible in application code like this:

=> {

=> "dev-stripe-secret-key"

=> "dev-stripe-publishable-key"

ERB Interpolation Not Supported

When using encrypted credentials, you must enter the plain text values when editing the decrypted file. Unlike the old config/secrets.yml, erb interpolation does not work. For example, if you were to run bin/rails credentials:edit --environment development and save the following:

secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>

Then attempt to access the secret_key_base in a Rails console, the value will be a literal string of the above, even if SECRET_KEY_BASE is set:

=> "<%= ENV[\"SECRET_KEY_BASE\"] %>"

Step 2: Convert All Other Environment Secrets

Repeat the above procedure, for every other environment your application supports. For example:

bin/rails credentials:edit --environment test
bin/rails credentials:edit --environment staging
bin/rails credentials:edit --environment production

Step 3: Update Application Code

Find all references to Rails.application.secrets.something in your application code and change it to Rails.application.credentials.something.

At this point, you should be able to run your Rails server locally bin/rails s without seeing the secrets/credentials deprecation warning. Exercise all the workflows that depend on secrets to ensure your development secrets are being read correctly from the new encrypted credentials yaml file.

Also run your test suite locally. It should pass and should not output any secrets/credentials deprecation warning. This assumes that there is test coverage for the areas of the app that use the secrets!

Step 4: Commit Changes to Source Control

At this point, the config/credentials directory should contain the following:

├── credentials
│   ├── development.key
│   ├── development.yml.enc
│   ├── production.key
│   ├── production.yml.enc
│   ├── staging.key
│   ├── staging.yml.enc
│   ├── test.key
│   └── test.yml.enc

The .gitignore file will have the following new entries added to ignore the *.key files:


The *.yml.enc files are encrypted and contain all the secrets ported over from config/secrets.yml. These should be committed into source control.

The *.key files contain the master key(s) to encrypt/decrypt the corresponding yaml files. These are git ignored and should NOT be committed into source control.

Commit the changes to the branch, for example:

git add .gitignore

git add config/credentials/development.yml.enc
# add rest of the encrypted yaml files

git commit -m "convert deprecated secrets to encrypted credentials"
git push

The config/secrets.yml removal you did earlier in Step 1 should also be included in this commit.

At this point, since the key files only exist on your laptop, yours is the only machine capable of decrypting the credentials yaml file. The next steps are about ensuring others can as well.

If Rails can't find a key file at config/credentials/{env}.key, it will read it from RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable. Since the key files are not committed, the solution in all other environments is to ensure the RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable is populated.

Step 5: Update Continuous Integration

If you have a continuous integration system that runs tests, such as GitHub Actions, Circle CI, Travis CI, etc. That system will need access to the test master key to decrypt the test credentials file. Recall that currently the test credentials file config/credentials/test.yml.enc has been committed, but the key to decrypt it is at config/credentials/test.key, which only exists on your laptop. This means if the CI system were to run on the branch where you just committed, it will fail because it won't have access to the secrets.

Most CI systems have a way to populate a secret via their web dashboards, and make it available to the workflow as an environment variable. Go ahead and do this, creating a new secret/environment variable RAILS_MASTER_KEY, and populate it with the value from the file on your laptop: config/credentials/test.key

Details of how to do this are CI-specific, for example here's how to use secrets in GitHub actions.

Step 6: Update Deployed Environments

To ensure the application deployed in production (or other environments like staging) can decrypt the credentials, the corresponding master key needs to be available in the deployment environment. Currently it's at config/credentials/staging.key and config/credentials/production.key on your laptop.

This step will vary depending on how you deploy your Rails application. In general, this requires a new environment variable RAILS_MASTER_KEY to be set and populated. Refer to your hosting provider’s documentation (eg: Hetzner, Linode, DigitalOcean, etc.) for the exact steps.

Step 7: Team Sharing

Recall all the key files are gitignored. If working with a team, they'll also need access to the key files, especially dev and test so they can run their servers and tests locally. The team should also have access to the deployment master keys (staging, production) in case someone needs to setup a new server. Save these somewhere secure that the rest of the team can access the keys. For example a password manager that supports team sharing such as 1Password, Bitwarden, etc.

Also update your project's README.md setup instructions, informing developers of where to find the keys, and to create files config/credentials/development.key and config/credentials/test.key in their local project directories containing the key values.


Here are the key terms covered in this post:

  • secret_key_base: A secret key used to sign cookies, session data, and other sensitive information.
  • Secrets: The old technique for managing secret_key_base and other sensitive application data in a plain text yaml file.
  • Credentials: The new technique for storing secrets, in an encrypted yaml file, protected by a master key.
  • Master Key: The key used to encrypt and decrypt credentials. By default, Rails looks for this key in config/master.key, but it can also be set per environment (eg: config/credentials/production.key) or via the RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable.

If you’ve found the process of migrating Rails secrets to credentials confusing, you’re not alone. This area has a long, evolving history, and a clear migration path is difficult to find. Personally, I prefer managing secrets through environment variables, as it’s a widely adopted and straightforward approach. Whatever path you choose, the key is to prioritize security and a workflow that fits your team's needs.

Here are some other blog posts and references that helped me during this investigation: