SQLite Varchar SurpriseI recently completed the Getting Started with Rails 6 course on Pluralsight and ran into a surprise with the use of SQLite and string column…
ReadCapybara Webdriver Element not Clickable ResolvedThis post will walk you through how to troubleshoot the "Element is not clickable at point... Other element would receive the click" error…
ReadDependabot PRs Need Their SecretsA few months ago I noticed all the Github Dependabot pull requests were failing the required continuous integration (CI) check on a project…
ReadYou Can Have Your Browser Tabs and Use Them TooI decided to write this after hearing a discussion about the difficulties of managing multiple browser tabs on one of the programming…
ReadRails Enums with MySQL or PostgresUpdate (April 2024): As of Rails 7, it's possible to create PostgreSQL enums with the Rails migration DSL rather than using raw SQL as…