A Tale of Rails, ChatGPT, and ScopesToday I'd like to share a cautionary tale about using ChatGPT to improve some Rails model querying code, and how the Rails Guides and API…
ReadDecember 2023
web development
Maintain Node.js Version ConsistencyIn modern web development, Node.js is not limited to Node projects; it's widely used in frontend build tooling across various tech stacks…
ReadConfigurable Retry with RubyWhen writing Ruby code, you may encounter a section of code that is known to fail the first time, but usually works on a repeated attempt…
ReadAdd a Kafka Consumer to RailsThis post will walk through how to integrate a Kafka consumer into a Rails application in a maintainable and testable way. Why would you…
ReadThey Don't All Have To Be ActiveRecord ModelsRails makes it relatively easy to go from an idea to a working web application. If you follow along with the Getting Started with Rails…