Some Elegance with Rails CachingI was recently reviewing a pull request (PR) for a Rails project that was introducing Rails caching. Specifically, low-level caching for…
ReadVSCode Markdown Basics: Customize Fenced Code Block ChoicesVSCode is a great editor for authoring markdown documents. I use it frequently for writing engineering documentation and blog posts. VSCode…
ReadOptimized Model Auditing with PaperTrailModel auditing plays an important role in tracking changes within a Rails application. While several gems are available to implement this…
ReadEfficient Database Queries in Rails: A Practical ApproachThis post will walk through a step-by-step approach to PostgreSQL query enhancement in Rails applications. From indexing strategies to…
ReadFebruary 2024
The Development Iceberg: Unseen Efforts That Extend Project SchedulesIf you’ve worked on a software development project of any significant complexity, you’ve probably observed that it nearly always takes…