Roll Your Own Search with Rails and Postgres: IntroductionThis is the first in a multi-part series of posts detailing how I built the search feature for this blog. This blog is built with Gatsby…
ReadAdd a Language to gatsby-remark-vscodeThis blog is built with Gatsby, and being an engineering blog, naturally requires a syntax higlighter. I'm using gatsby-remark-vscode for…
ReadA VS Code Alternative to PostmanIf you've been doing web development for any length of time, you've probably built or worked on an HTTP REST style API and needed a REST…
ReadRails CORS Middleware For Multiple ResourcesA short post for today on a usage of CORS Middleware for Rails (well any Rack application) that wasn't obvious from the docs - how to…
ReadTDD by Example: Fixing a BugThis post will demonstrate an example of using TDD (test driven development) to fix a bug on an existing project. If you're not familiar…